comments on: grilled great lakes whitefish with tomato, caper, dill relish - 阿根廷vs沙特实时比分 // monahan’s 世界杯欧洲杯赛程 has been in business for over 40 years mon, 04 jun 2018 22:05:24 +0000 hourly 1 by: made in michigan recipes perfect for days at the lake – osb vision // mon, 04 jun 2018 22:05:24 +0000 // […] or buy some fresh michigan whitefish at the grocery store, there’s nothing easier or tastier than this recipe that can be made on a grill and topped with a tangy tomato relish. you can also add a side of […]

by: lisa // mon, 22 aug 2011 17:05:41 +0000 // in reply to bob.

oops! only one minor ingredient… sorry about that. i used 1 large fresh tomato, medium chopped, from the farmer’s market. any fresh, sweet tomato will work. i would not use plum tomatoes for this recipe.
thanks for bringing this to my attention! mike

by: bob // sun, 21 aug 2011 12:48:10 +0000 // looks like the tomatoes are missing from the ingredient list — how much? any particular kind recommended? thanks, this looks good
