kedgeree: it’s not just for breakfast!

monahan's 世界杯欧洲杯赛程 | fresh whole fish, fillets, shellfish, recipes, 2022世界杯小组赛时间表 & lunch counter-ann arbor, michigan

here’s one of those best of two world meals for you. back in british colonial days, they spiced up their world a bit by bringing home some delicious indian recipes. an old indian dish called khichri, made with rice, lentils and maybe vegetables, later became the famous english kedgeree. they deleted the lentils and veggies, added fish, often smoked haddock (or finnan haddie), topped it with eggs and served it for breakfast.


the combination of flavors is amazing. smoky, salty, with the flavors of curry and cilantro, chunks of fish, topped with hard-boiled eggs! the ultimate comfort food and it’s not just for breakfast anymore.


enjoy kedgeree for lunch or dinner too!


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