more local tomatoes: a mackerel’s favorite fruit

monahan's 世界杯欧洲杯赛程 | fresh whole fish, fillets, shellfish, recipes, 2022世界杯小组赛时间表 & lunch counter-ann arbor, michigan

what a summer we’ve had! maybe a little on the cool side for some but it’s been, for the most part, perfect with lots of sunny, mild days, not much oppressive heat, just enough rain (including a few great storms) to keep everything lush and green. by the look of our farmers market, the weather has been good to the crops too.

baked mackerel ingredients

we’re still in the thick of the finest eating of the summer and i know i’ve been hitting you with lots of recipes that include tomatoes, but how can we not take advantage of the season’s finest? soon the days of the tasteless hot house will be upon us! i promise to mix it up a little next week and not mention these super fruits however; this rich mackerel with tomatoes, rosemary, spinach and feta is a good one! enjoy


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