skate wing with lemon caper brown butter

monahan's 世界杯欧洲杯赛程 | fresh whole fish, fillets, shellfish, recipes, 2022世界杯小组赛时间表 & lunch counter-ann arbor, michigan

serves 2

3/4 – 1 lb. skate fillet (you might want to buy a little extra to make this delicious cold salad with any leftovers! see below*)
1/4 c drake’s batter mix or seasoned flour for dredging
2 t butter
3-4 t olive oil
2 t capers
1 t lemon (chopped pulp only, no rind)

dust skate fillets in drake’s. in a sauté pan over medium-heat, add olive oil (enough to cover bottom of pan) and heat until hot but not smoking—fillets should sizzle when they hit the pan. pan-fry for about 3 minutes per side or until the fillets are opaque in the center. remove skate from pan and drain on paper towel or paper bag. turn temperature down to low. pour off any excess oil from pan, add the butter, lemon & capers. stir until butter begins to brown and immediately drizzle over skate portions. this brown butter can also be served over poached skate. bon appétit!

fantastic leftovers! skate salad

*skate has a texture and a sweet shellfish-like flavor (because they feed on crab, mussels, clams, etc.). we thought our leftovers would make a nice salad– we were right! tear cooked skateskate salad fillet along the natural flake lines. make a simple vinaigrette: mix fustini’s grapefruit vinegar (champagne vinegar will do) with a little extra virgin olive oil & a squeeze of lemon. in a mixing bowl add skate pieces along with any leftover caper-lemon sauce and slowly toss in vinaigrette to taste. toss in any extra capers if you need them.


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