a special gift for mom- straight from the sea!

monahan's 世界杯欧洲杯赛程 | fresh whole fish, fillets, shellfish, recipes, 2022世界杯小组赛时间表 & lunch counter-ann arbor, michigan

sunday is mother’s day. what’s the perfect gift for the world’s most important person? the person who brought you into this world, loved you, fed you and was always there for you. a card is nice. flowers? candy? all good. but what could be more meaningful to show her how much she means to you? how about a true gift from the heart- cook mom a special meal!

depending on the weather, the size of your group and what time of day, you could prepare anything from a brunch, a casual cookout or a fancy dinner. we’ve got easy recipes that will meet all your mom’s day needs.

fish for breakfast or brunch? heck yes. poached eggs over salmon hash– deelish. bagels and lox would make any mom happy. if you’re firing up the grill, we’ve got lots of recipes for you. love swordfish? here are 2 winners for the grill: grilled swordfish with salmoriglio saucegrilled swordfish steaks with olive sauce, (this can also be done on the stove). maybe simple lemon herb stuffed bronzino, barbequed oysters, new orleans style bbq shrimp, paella, or try the ultimate easy crowd pleaser, planked salmon with monahan’s irish whiskey maple glaze. if you’ll be cooking indoors, you might want to keep it simple, especially with large groups. monahan’s bouillabaisse base is the perfect solution. all you have to do is bring the base to a boil then toss in the fish and shellfish (we do the hard part for you). mom will love you even more.

all kinds of wonderful gifts from the sea for mom are coming in this weekend.

straight from the heart – happy mother’s day mom!


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