copper river king and sockeye salmon 2017

monahan's 世界杯欧洲杯赛程 | fresh whole fish, fillets, shellfish, recipes, 2022世界杯小组赛时间表 & lunch counter-ann arbor, michigan

copper river king salmonback in january of this year, the alaska dept. of fish and game released their forecast for the 2017 copper river salmon season. they predicted that king salmon runs might be as low as the runs of 2016, which was the smallest since 1980. the projected run for this season is 29,000 fish, 34,000 less than the 18 year average of 63,000. the forecast is for a rough season for the famous copper river kings and sockeyes but now the fisherman are out setting nets, with openings on tuesdays and thursdays.copper-river-king salmon fillet

projections aside, there’s lots of excitement and early catches are better than expected with lots of large fish being taken. the expected dismal run made for some strict regulations this year, including no sport fishing for kings, a limit of 2 fish per person for local subsistence fishing and a closure of barrier islands are forcing fishermen to fish farther out in deeper waters where the fish aren’t as tightly concentrated.

now, who knows? maybe more fish than expected will be making their way up the river. fisheries managers will be meeting tomorrow, saturday, may 27th, at 2 pm to discuss the situation.

whatever that situation will be, we now have in our market two 20 lb. plus gorgeous copper river kings and a mess of the best sockeye salmon of the year!    

grace your grill this memorial day weekend with one of the world’s most regal, delicious, healthful, wild luxuries: copper river salmon.

here’s an easy recipe for grilling this regal fish.


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