grilled yellowtail snapper with pineapple mango salsa

monahan's 世界杯欧洲杯赛程 | fresh whole fish, fillets, shellfish, recipes, 2022世界杯小组赛时间表 & lunch counter-ann arbor, michigan

serves 4

  • 1-  3 1/2 1b. or 2 – 1 1/2-1 3/4 lb. whole yellowtail snapper, scaled, gutted and gilled
  • olive oil
  • kosher salt, pepper

score yellowtail on both sides about 2 inches apart. season with kosher salt and pepper and let rest for 10-15 min. baste with olive oil and place on a clean oiled grill. grill for a total time of 10 min. per thickness of fish. the larger yellowtails will go around 5-7 min. a side and the smaller 1 1/2 lb. size will grill about 4-5 min. a side or until just opaque at the spine at the thickest part of the fish.

a tip on keeping the crispy skin from sticking to the grill- a clean oiled grill, a lightly basted fish (all around) and let the fish brown before trying to flip- don’t move the fish till your ready to flip it! i use two spatulas to carefully flip.

mango pineapple salsa

  • 2 ripe mangos, about 10-12 oz. each, peeled and cubed (about 1/4 inch cubes)
  • 1/2 cup pineapple, chopped
  • 1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped
  • 3 t green pepper, finely chopped
  • 3 t purple onion, finely chopped
  • 1-1 1/2 t (to taste) jalapeño pepper, finely chopped
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1 t honey
  • 1 t rice vinegar
  • salt and pepper, to taste

combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl


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