salmonoid mania at monahan’s

monahan's 世界杯欧洲杯赛程 | fresh whole fish, fillets, shellfish, recipes, 2022世界杯小组赛时间表 & lunch counter-ann arbor, michigan

fish in the salmon family are some of the most popular and delicious fish in the world. this is the moment for the best variety of these fish. we happen to be at the time of year when we’re seeing 3 species of wild pacific salmon at the same time! kings, cohos and sockeyes from oregon to alaska are all gleaming with the good fat!

mike & grilled salmon

michigan lake trout has been plentiful, ontario rainbow trout has always been a staple along with our farmed atlantic salmon and a relative newcomer, norwegian fjord trout (a big beautiful rich steelhead), has been making more than a few customers happy.

michigan corn and roasted tomato salsa for grilled salmon is this week’s recipe. try it with any salmonoid in the case and you’ll be happy too.


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